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墨西哥新莱昂大学Michael V. Basin教授学术报告


报告题目:Predefined-Time Convergence and its Application to Stabilization of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor

报告人:Michael V. Basin,Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon



First attempt to a predefined-time convergent continuous control law formulti-dimensional systems with incompletely measurable states, using a linear time-varying control input.


Michael V. Basin received his Ph.D. degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences with major in Automatic Control and System Analysis from the Moscow Aviation University (MAI) in 1992. He is currently Full Professor with the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and the Ningbo Institute of Intelligent Equipment Technology, China. Starting from 1992, Dr. Basin published more than 400 research papers in international referred journals and conference proceedings.

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